Friday, January 13, 2017

Decode base64encoded JSON by wso2 ESB

Wso2 ESB support for message encoding and decoding using following custom XPath functions.

base64Encode() function

The base64Encode function returns the base64-encoded value of the specified string.

  • base64Encode(string value)
  • base64Encode(string value, string charset) 

base64Decode() function

The base64Decode function returns the original value of the specified base64-encoded value.

  • base64Decode(string encodedValue)
  • base64Decode(string encodedValue, string charset)
The following sample illustrates, how to decode the incoming base64 encoded message by ESB.

Suppose that the backend( is returning the base64encoded string "eyJuYW1lIjoiUmFuZGlrYSJ9" for the json "{"name": "Randika"}".

The following proxy service can be used to decode the incoming encoded message.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <api xmlns="" name="SampleDecoder" context="/test">  
   <resource methods="GET">  
         <http method="GET" uri-template="" />  
      <property name="messageBody" expression="$body/*" scope="default" />  
      <log level="custom">  
       <property name="************Incoming Encoded Payload*************" expression="get-property('messageBody')" />  
      <property name="DecodeBody" expression="base64Decode(get-property('messageBody'))" scope="default" />  
      <log level="custom">  
       <property name="************Decoded Payload************" expression="get-property('DecodeBody')" />  
      <log level="full" />  
      <payloadFactory media-type="json">  
         <arg evaluator="xml" expression="get-property('DecodeBody')" />  
      <log level="full" />  
      <property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2" />  
      <send />  

The incoming encoded message can be stored in the property after decoding with the following configuration.

<property name="DecodeBody" expression="base64Decode(get-property('messageBody'))" scope="default" />

The output message will be seen an follows.

{"name": "Randika"}

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot!!
    I was struggling to decode a binary message and log it, in WSO2 since long.
    This helped. Simple solution.
